Tarot client testimonials
“My path to Ophidian Tarot was both unexpected and indirect. Whether I landed there through a series of coincidences, or through the agency of some more active principle, I cannot say, but however it happened, I am grateful that it did. When I read Jameela’s description of her approach to Tarot, the idea of getting a reading sounded good to me. But—keeping in mind that Tarot had never been much on my radar before—at first I couldn’t tell why. After thinking about it, I decided it was because Jameela’s approach sounded very spiritual, along with a sudden prehension that spiritual care was something I was in need of. So I reached out to Jameela via text message, requesting a video reading. She got back to me promptly, and kindly rearranged her schedule to fit me in, before she had to leave on a trip. (In fact, I rather suspect she gave up most of her lunch hour for me.) I soon received an email invitation to a video meeting, including a helpful description of what to expect during the reading. I was very much looking forward to the reading, but unfortunately it turned out that I was under considerable stress in the days leading up to it, and I slept poorly the night before. So on the morning of the reading (for Jameela and I live on opposite coasts), I felt very much not in tune with the world or myself, and not at all articulate. And that is where Jameela’s pre-reading grounding and centering exercises, or I might say ritual, proved so helpful (additionally, Jameela’s demeanor and voice were at once soothing and relaxing). The reading itself was a great experience. That Jameela had twenty plus years of experience in reading really showed. But there was more to it than that. I felt there had to be a much deeper reason for her evident abilities than just experience, even if I couldn’t say exactly what that reason was. I was amazed at how well I could relate Jameela’s general interpretation of the first three cards (which felt very powerful to me), to my difficult situation and recent troubling events (keeping in mind that Jameela had specifically asked me not to tell her about my situation). However, when the time came for me to ask specific questions of the cards, I had trouble coming up with any. I managed to blurt out some prompts (I will call them that—certainly they were not proper questions), and Jameela skillfully went with those. Her interpretation of the additional cards she pulled offered some comfort, and indicated possibilities to be open to, or even guidance. In the end, I absolutely felt I had received the spiritual care I was seeking. Not long afterwards, I received an email from Jameela containing photos of the cards from the reading, and a link to download a video recording of it (which I had opted for)—all very helpful in extracting the maximum benefit from the reading. So you can see, besides her skill at reading, what a great system Jameela has in place. And with that I have reached the end of my testimonial, except for this: come wintertime (it is toward the end of summer now), or sooner if significant changes in my situation start appearing, I will reach out to Jameela again, for my second reading.”
“Jameela is a very talented and gifted tarot reader. Over the years I have had tarot readings by others, however my reading with Jameela was different than any other previous reading. Jameela brings a level of intellectualism and insight which I have not had with any other tarot reader. She was very clear, direct and grounded in her reading which for me heightened how the reading was relatable to my life.”
“Jameela guided me through a decision by using a spread that resembled a fork in the road. Her interpretation helped me see with great clarity the challenges, skills, insight and fortitude needed if I chose to move forward. If I chose not to move forward, the path illuminated another set of outcomes. Both were favorable, and I appreciated that she highlighted the strengths and drawbacks of each path and what the cards were communicating as a whole. Her insight and interpretation allowed me to feel at ease making a decision that had initially seemed very difficult. I really trust that Jameela has the skills to guide anyone using her keen sense of intuition and years of experience practicing this art form.”
“I have an upcoming choice about my career path that will dictate much about what my future looks like, in a five-year window and beyond. Jameela’s reading helped me attain a clearer focus about what I truly value, the risks I’m comfortable taking, and the sacrifices I may have to make. I left impressed with her intuition and more assured about which course would ultimately lead to more enduring happiness. I strongly feel the answers we’re looking for are inside each of us, though it’s wonderful to have an experienced reader like Jameela as a guide.”
“I adore this woman. She’s read for me several times by phone, and each time I’ve seen the reading manifest itself in my everyday life. I also just adore Jameela—such a positive life force and incredibly in-tune human being. I’m ready for her first book.”